The Last Olympian is a fantasy-adventure novel based on Greek mythology by Rick Riordan, published on May 5, 2009. It is the fifth and final novel of the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series and serves as the direct sequel to The Battle of the Labyrinth. The Last Olympian revolves around the demigod Percy Jackson as he leads his friends in a last stand to protect Mount Olympus. The title refers to Hestia, the goddess of the hearth, who refers to herself as such in a conversation with Percy on Mount Olympus.
Upon release, the book received highly positive reviews from various critics. It was also the USA Today bestseller, the Wall Street Journal bestseller, and Los Angeles Times bestseller.
In order to try to cut the head off of Kronos’ approach by sea, Percy and Beckendorf, the son of Hephaestus, attempt to destroy his ship, the Princess Andromeda. However, Kronos, still possessing Luke Castellan, is not caught off guard because of a spy at Camp Half-Blood, and Beckendorf sacrifices his life to destroy the ship, while Percy dives overboard and passes out from contact with Kronos’ scythe when battling him on the ship. Percy is awakened by his half-brother Tyson, the cyclops. He finds that he is in his father Poseidon’s underwater palace, which is under siege by the forces of the Titan Oceanus. Percy wants to stay and help fight with his father, but Poseidon sends Percy back to Camp Half-Blood.
Main characters
- Percy Jackson: The main protagonist and narrator of the first series. His status as a son of Poseidon, the apparent subject of the Great Prophecy, and yearly quests bring him to Olympus time after time. Like Luke has done, and Achilles before them both, he bathes in the River Styx and become invincible before he leads the Olympian-aligned forces in a defense of Manhattan, fighting on varied fronts the entire time, even bringing down Hyperion, Lord of the East. For his heroism, particularly in saving Olympus from destruction, he is offered godhood, though he declines it in favor of his friends, whom he values before all else. His relationship with Annabeth solidifies against all odds during the battle and is set in stone when they kiss underwater in an air bubble, in the lake of Camp Half Blood. Like his girlfriend Annabeth Chase, he is 16-years-old.
- Annabeth Chase: Daughter of Athena and Percy’s girlfriend who fights alongside him in the battle. In the end, she and Percy start dating.
- Grover Underwood: Percy’s best friend, a satyr, and a new member of the Council of Cloven Elders after Leneus dies. He sets out to restore the Wild at the end of the series.
- Luke Castellan: A 23-year-old demigod son of Hermes, as well as his father’s pride and joy. Although he is an antagonist throughout the series, he sacrifices himself to destroy Kronos at the end of the book and is, in a way, the actual hero of the Great Prophecy.
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